Here’s a site that’s been in my personal use for while. It’s a local news
aggregator that gathers stories from around The Bahamas and creates a tight
newspaper esque view. The stories are gathered using old school
This website is generated using a simple
Static site generators are perfect for
news sites.
site generator written in Go.
I’ve hacked together my own static site generator after taking a peek at both
Hugo and
Openring’s source code. The frontend
does not use any frameworks and is implemented with a nested
this started with a
approach, but slowly became worried about cross browser
based approach to obtain a complex
Automatic deployment happens with a simple
POSIX compliant shell script. The RSS
fetch process is decoupled from the website generation process, allowing for
super fast site regeneration.
Internal web pages are generated and passed through
monolith to
Monolith is a program written in
Rust that reduces a web page to a single
HTML file.
all assets into a single file. This file is served
in one
Encoding everything into a
single file is not always a good decision.
That is crazy —
but here’s the result of a speed test. In a practical sense, the grade should be
closer to F since all data is encoded into an unoptimized document.
Speed Test Results
Note: The source is nothing to write home about but I’ll be adding a link to
it once my laziness subsides.
11 December 2019
— Written
11 December 2019
— Updated
Thedro Neely — Creator — Article