Thedro Neely
Hi, My name is Thedro, and I'm a web developer based in The Bahamas.
Front End
HTML CSS JavaScript Bulma
Bootstrap Sass Tailwind
Back End
PHP Python MariaDB MySQL
PostgreSQL Nginx Apache
Tooling and Frameworks
LaTeX Laravel Sublime Text
Npm Webpack Gimp Hugo
Version Systems & GUIs
Git Gitlab Github Gitea
Sys Admin
CentOS Debian Windows
Android Alpine pfSense/Opnsense
Dev Ops
Docker Jenkins Drone CI
Are you currently available for work?
Yes, I'm currently available for contract work and full-time job opportunities.
How long have you been programming?
I've been programming for a long time, too long to accurately say.
What is your preferred stack?
PHP 7 + PostgreSQL. Pretty decent stuff. I'm still learning Vue and React. I'd like to learn Go next.
What's your OS setup?
Linux distribution with everything else floating on top. NixOS hosting Arch, CentOS, Debian, Void, Windows, macOS and more.